Mahi Talal, Niger

I’m reading a poem my father wrote about the Prophet (peace be upon him). My name is Mahi Talal son of Sheikh Abdur Razaq Ahmed. I’m from Niger. We visit al-Mustafa (peace be upon him) whenever we get a chance, especially in Ramadan. I try to come each Ramadan. I used to accompany my father when he was alive. He passed away ten years ago, but I still come following his example. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
“‘Umrah during Ramadan is equal to Hajj”.
There are no words to describe what it is like coming here and spending time here. I cant explain in words the feeling in my heart. I remember the days when I used to come with my father. I would be sitting behind him and as we approached Madina, he would begin to cry and recite lines of poetry about the city.
My father wrote many poems about the Prophet (peace be upon him).
On Jum’a it will be eight days since I have been here. After Juma prayers, I will head to Makka, perform Umrah and spend Eid there. Then I will return to Madina, fast the six days of Shawwal before bidding farewell and returning to Niger.
In Niger we run schools for tahfiz of the Quran. That’s our main job, alhamdulillah.