Masjid Bani Haritha (Masjid al-Mustarah)
This mosque holds a significant place in Islamic history, as it was established during the era of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and served as a place of worship for the Bani Haritha clan.

In the historic residential quarters of the Banu Haritha clan lies Masjid Bani Haritha, also known as Masjid Al-Mustarah. This mosque holds a significant place in Islamic history, as it was established during the era of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and served as a place of worship for the Bani Haritha clan.
It is called Masjid Bani Haritha because of its location in the historic residential quarters of the Banu Haritha clan.
This mosque is likely known today as Masjid Al-Mustarah because it's said that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) sat there to rest while returning from the Battle of Uhud.
History of Masjid Bani Haritha
This mosque was built during the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) era and Bani Haritha would pray there as is mentioned in the hadiths regarding the change of the Qibla, as they received the news while they were praying Asr and turned towards the Kabah [Sahih al-Bukhari].
The historian Ibn Shabba, who died in 262 AH, referred to it as "Masjid Bani Haritha."
The Prophet's Prayer in Masjid Bani Haritha:
It is reported that the Prophet prayed at Masjid Bani Haritha as is reported from Ibrahim bin Ja'far from his father that:
"The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) prayed in Masjid Bani Haritha)." [Wafa al-Wafa 3/865]
Arrival of Qibla Change News to Bani Haritha
When the revelation about changing the Qibla was revealed to the Prophet while he was praying Dhuhr at Masjid Bani Salama, some people prayed with him. After the prayer, one of them informed Bani Haritha, who were praying Asr, and they all turned to face the Kaaba, [Sahih al-Bukhari]. Tuwaylah Bint Aslam added further details to this event narrating:
"We were in our places offering the prayer in [Masjid] Bani Haritha when Abbad bin Bishr Qayzi informed us: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) is now facing the Bayt al-Haram and Kaaba. As a result the men moved to the place of the women and the women moved to the place of the men, and they offered the remaining two rakats towards the Kaaba." Imam al-Haythami said: It was narrated by Tabarani in Al-Kabir and its narrators are trustworthy.
Location and Strategic Importance of Bani Haritha's Homes
Bani Haritha's homes were located what is today to the west of Masjid Al-Mustarah. The homes of Bani Haritha were also identified as being within the boundaries of Madina's sanctuary. Al-Bukhari narrated through Abu Hurairah that the Prophet visited Bani Haritha and said,
"I see you, Bani Haritha, as having exited the sanctuary," but then turned and said, "No, you are still inside."
This location was also strategically significant in defending Madina, as it was the starting point of the trench dug in preparation for the Battle of the Confederates.