Mohammed Saif Ad-Din Akbar, Sudan

I’m originally from Darfur in Sudan. I’ve been coming here since 2001 for work during the hajj season driving buses and transporting the hujjaj. I come each Ramadan and stay until after Hajj. I didn’t make hajj this year but have performed it many times, alhamduliLah.
The first time I came, back in 2001, I wasn’t sure of the routes around the city. I had picked up the hujjaj from their hotel and was going round and round looking for the route I needed to take for Makka. I took a turning and came upon the people from al-Jazeera news channel. They saw me and decided to interview me and recorded me!
Things in Sudan are good, by the grace of God but there’s no city like Madina. Its incredible to be able to visit the Prophet (peace be upon him), the Khulafa ar-Rashidin (Sayyidina Abu Bakr and Umar), the Baqi graveyard amongst other places. There’s a peace here in Madina, this most blessed place on earth, that you won’t find anywhere else.