Suliman Beshibsh Al-Muzaini

I was born in Madina in 1938 in to a family belonging to the tribe of Muzaina. This tribe was mentioned by the Prophet ﷺ and well known figures such as Ka'ab bin Zuhair were also Muzaini. You can read about how the tribe of Al-Muzaina entered Islam after the Prophet ﷺ migrated to Madina.
My family lived on a farm, on land they have owned for centuries. Like my father, grandfather and generations before them, I learnt to plant trees, ranch as well harvest the land during the seasons, as a boy. As a young man, I travelled to Turkey, Syria and Jordan every two or three months to sell produce from our land.
I raised my family on the farm and have four sons and four daughters, MashAllah. In 1983, my family left the farm and moved elsewhere in Madina. But for me, the farm, our land, is like my fifth daughter: I can't go one day without seeing her! So I still live there. I visit my family and spend time with them but then return back to the farm.
I have lived my whole life here in Madina which is a paradise, surrounded by the blessings of Allah.
Everyday I thank Allah for being born here next to the Haram and being able to live in peace like a white dove.
Madina has so much to see and visit and we are so proud of all these places. In addition to the Haram we have Quba mosque, Mountain Uhud and so much else!
Madina has gone through many, many changes during my life-time and not all these changes have been good; it's important to preserve your heritage and culture.
AlhamduliLah to be from Madina and live so close to the Prophet ﷺ. I pray I'll be with him in Paradise.