The Green Connection
In the historic city of Madina one colour stands out above all others: green. This dark green colour which is deeply ingrained in the city's identity, finds its roots in the iconic Green Dome, which crowns the revered Masjid al-Nabawi. Yet, the connection between Madina and the colour green runs deeper than mere architectural symbolism; it can be traced back to hadith literature itself.
In the rich tapestry of Islamic literature, particularly within the Shamail tradition, we find an intriguing correlation between the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) and his affinity for greenery and flowing water. Shaykh Abdullah bin Saeed al-Lahji, in his Shamail commentary, mentions this aspect commenting:
Ibn al-Sunni and Abu Nuaym narrate in ‘Tibb al-Nabawi’ with a weak chain from Ibn Abbas May Allah be please with them both that:[He] the Messenger of Allah [Peace and Blessings upon Him liked to look at greenery] meaning trees and green vegetation… [and flowing water] meaning He loved to look at them and found pleasure in this. And his liking to look at them was not for the reason that he would eat from the greenery or drink from the water.
Therefore it could be said that in Madina the colour green is more than just a colour—it is a symbol of a deep connection back to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), and Allah Taala knows best.